Samsung TV White Spots On Screen? 2 Ways To Solve!!

Do you find yourself in a situation where you are seeing white dots or spots on your Samsung TV? If that is the case, do not panic as this problem is known to affect most LCD TVs. 

Basically, the white spots (dots) you see on your Samsung TV are caused by the LED backlight. On LCDs, these white circles appear if the LED reflectors installed behind the screen fail.

It is possible for parts inside the TV to move and cause white spots or dots to appear on the screen if they are used frequently or if they are of poor quality. In this article, I’ll explain why this happens and how to fix it.

Samsung TV White Spots On Screen
Samsung TV White Spots On Screen

Previously, when I worked as TV support for a local shop, I encountered multiple cases where people reported this issue and, in some cases, a screen replacement was necessary.

Hence, before jumping to conclusions, it is important to have a clear understanding of what the impact is and whether a fix can be made at home.

What Causes White Dots On Samsung TV Screen?

Here’s the question that you are looking for, which is why there are white dots on your Samsung TV.

You need a little knowledge about the Samsung LCD TV’s working methodology in order to understand the cause.

The LED backlighting in the display panel is made of LED lights evenly spaced – approximately four to five inches apart.

Each LED light in the display panel is bright, and each light has a DIFFUSER LENS that covers the bright LED light and diffuses the light evenly. 

After a few years, Samsung TVs’ diffuser lenses dry out from the adhesive that holds them to the backlight panel.

Whenever the DIFFUSER LENS falls out of the LED light panel (by impact or because of “old age”), the lens falls down to the bottom.

Samsung TV Diffuser Lens On Display
Samsung TV Diffuser Lens

In this process, a bright light is created in one spot on the display panel. This light is commonly referred to as an “ORB”. 

In general, white spots or dots appear on Samsung TV screens due to two malfunctions:

  1. LED Reflectors: As said above, It is the reflector (lens) on LCD TVs that facilitates and spreads LED light onto the screen. Occasionally, these reflectors loosen up and fall off their spot. When this happens, you’ll see several white spots (dots) on your TV screen.
  1. Dead Pixels: Almost every LCD and LED TV has millions of dead pixels or dots that are responsible for lighting up and displaying the image. If some of the pixels on the TV screen become damaged and get stuck in a particular state, this can cause the problem and appear as white spots.

In the first case, This problem can be fixed by opening up your TV and sticking the fallen reflector back where it belongs with super glue. 

But in the second case where it happens due to dead pixels, technical support will be required.

How To Get the White Spots on Samsung TV Fixed?

First and foremost check if the issue is happening across all inputs whether it is HDMI, Cable, Gaming Console, Streaming devices like Firestick, Roku, etc.

First, Do a picture test

There’s an easy fix worth trying before getting into the nitty-gritty of this guide. Samsung TVs have a setting called “Picture Test” that determines if your TV is causing the problem. 

During the test, your Samsung TV will display high-definition images to make sure there are no faults. After completing the test, your Samsung TV should be fixed. 

You can do this in less than a minute. Here’s how:

  1. Navigate to the home screen of your Samsung TV.
  2. Click “Settings”. (scroll left until you see the gear icon.)
  3. To access support, click “Support”.
  4. Select the Picture Test under Self Diagnosis.
  5. Lastly, Make sure you follow the instructions on screen.
  6. That’s it, check if there are white dots on your TV screen.

You are most likely experiencing a hardware problem if a Picture Test does not resolve your issue. These could be a combination of:

  • Fallen reflector or plastic lens.
  • Overheating issues.

It will need to be repaired if it occurs on all sources and during the picture test. Based on your warranty, there are a few options you can choose from.

  • It is advisable to check with your retailer regarding their return/exchange policy if you purchased the unit recently.
  • The extended warranty company can set up a service for you if you have one.
  • The service setup can be requested directly through Samsung support if you’re within one year of the warranty period
  • You can find a service center in your area by simply visiting the official website.

As a matter of fact, if you wish to try troubleshooting at home, the process can be done easily at home if you wish to do so.

It is possible for someone with average disassembly skills to carefully disassemble the TV and then the display panel.

After gluing the DIFFUSER LENS back together, use a clear adhesive with high heat capacity, such as epoxy. 

The other diffuser lenses in the backlighting panel might benefit from a drop of clear cement or epoxy prior to reassembling your LED display panel.

Step-by-step guide on how to fix white spots or dots on Samsung TV screen:

  1. Make sure your TV is turned off and the power supply is disconnected.
  2. Your TV’s back panel needs to be removed by removing all of the screws that hold it in place.
  3. Pull out the metal tabs with care. (Be careful)
  4. Remove the TV speakers by removing the speaker connectors.
  5. Now, Lift the metal plate up and disconnect the circuit board thingy from it.
  6. The reflectors might have fallen off the plastic frame, so lift the tabs carefully and check for them.
  7. You can glue them with Q-tips. (Place the glue around the area where the reflector fallen from)
  8. As soon as the glue has been applied, place the reflector in place and compress it.
  9. When you have finished, reverse the process to assemble your TV.

That’s all, once you finish the process, Don’t turn on your TV for around an hour so that everything gets fixed properly and cools down.

After that, turn on your TV and you won’t see any white spots or dots on the display.

The following video demonstrates the above steps that I explained and you might find useful:


Minor white marks, rings, or dots on the screen of your TV can undoubtedly have a negative impact on your viewing experience as eventually, you will start to notice them more and more as time goes by.

Basically, When you open the TV, the LED lights are usually covered with plastic reflectors or lenses. Normally, these lenses are glued in front of the LED lights. However, if the TV overheats, these lenses fall off, causing white spots on the screen.

Getting rid of the white dots on your Samsung TV is possible and here’s how:

  1. Remove the back cover
  2. Take off the internal plastic cover
  3. Make sure the speakers and ribbon cable are unplugged
  4. Remove the bottom circuit strips from the board
  5. Disassemble the TV and remove the screen
  6. Make sure the white sheets are removed carefully
  7. Fix any loose plastic lenses by gluing them down
  8. Assemble the TV again

You should be able to resolve this issue easily with the help of the above guide, and if you do have any concerns or doubts, please leave a comment below.


How do you know when your TV is dying?

If you are wondering when your TV display is going to die and need to be replaced with another one, here are all the symptoms of a bad display on your TV:
Dead Pixels 
Fuzzy Screen
Bars and Lines
Colour Distortion
Fading Screens

What causes white circles or spots on the Samsung DLP TV Screen?

In DLP, the white dot syndrome occurs when one of these micromirrors gets stuck and can’t reflect the signal. The result is a white or black dot on the screen. When more mirrors become stuck, more white dots appear, causing the picture to disappear from the screen.

How much is a Samsung TV screen repair?

You can expect to pay $250 – $350 for a Samsung TV Screen repair if it faces any of these issues such as white display, no display, double image, lines, etc.

Can the white screen on Samsung TV be fixed at home?

You can easily fix the white dot issue on your Samsung TV display at home if you know how to disassemble it.

Usually, disassembling and reassembling your TV requires only a basic understanding of hardware. If you do this, you will be able to find the reflector which is causing the white spot on display, and you can adjust and fix it.